Articles and Other Information

American Bar Association article-Understanding Sexual Grooming in Child Abuse Cases

The National Child Stress Network- Caring for Kids: What Parents Need to Know About Sexual Abuse 

The Legal Intelligencer article- Philadelphia Family Court Judge has a History of Violating Parents' Rights 

The American Academy of Pediatrics article- The Child Witness in the Courtroom 

NPR article- CDC: Childhood Trauma is a Public Health Issue and We Can Do More to Prevent It 

How to Heal a Family Rift 


TAALK Diane Cranley Interviews: Fred S. Berlin, M.D., Ph.D Why People Perpetrate and Can They Be Helped? - "In our discussion, we'll gain insight about what causes people to perpetrate and an understanding of who can be helped and who cannot. In addition, we'll learn about existing treatment programs and how they have impacted the recidivism rate and therefore, the safety of our children."

American Academy of Pediatrics- The Child Witness in the Courtroom 

The Legal Intelligencer- Philadelphia Family Court Judge Has a History of Violating Parents’ Rights 

Psychology Today-Are You a Wounded Healer? 

The Women's Coalition- Truth about Custody Case Getting International Media 

The Addiction Center-Teenage Substance Abuse Prevention 

Judicature- Getting Explicit About Implicit Bias 

National Library of Medicine- Disarming racial microaggressions: Micro-intervention strategies for targets, White allies, and bystanders 

American Psychological Association- Forensic clinicians’ understanding of bias

Statements Help Victims Become Part of the Justice Process By  Charles Montaldo 

Victim Impact Statement Worksheet 

A Brief Guide to Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT) for Nightmare  Disorders for Clinicians and Patients  By Francis Abueg, Ph.D.

Some info on Post-traumatic Growth (I have not read through all of them in their entirety)-

American Psychological Association

UNC Charlotte Posttraumatic Growth Research Group

Trauma Recovery

Harvard Business Review

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the impact on the brain (from Diane Cranley)

Case References parents have shared-

Braiman v Braiman- "This is a NY case that all of our attorneys should know about joint custody. Braiman v Braiman. NY CASE LAW REGARDING JOINT CUSTODY- NOT FAVORABLE IF PARENTS CANNOT COMMUNICATE- APPELLATE COURTS HAVE FOUND “In what continues to be regarded as the leading judicial pronouncement in this state on joint custody, Braiman v Braiman, 44 NY2d 584 (1978), the Court of Appeals described it as being appropriate only "in the rare case" and as something to be "encouraged primarily as a voluntary alternative for relatively stable, amicable parents behaving in mature civilized fashion" (id. at 589-590). Now, almost four decades since Braiman, appellate courts still tend to be reluctant to order joint custody absent an agreement by the parties or a showing that they can work well together (see e.g., Michael B. 145 AD3d at 430 ["Joint legal custody is not appropriate where ... the parties' relationship is characterized by acrimony and mistrust"]; Lubit v Lubit, 65 AD3d 954 [1st Dept 2013] ["The evidence demonstrates that the acrimony and mistrust that marks the parties' relationship makes joint custody a nonviable option"]; Lee v Fitts, 147 AD3d 1058 [2d Dept 2017] [Joint custody "is inappropriate where ... the parties have demonstrated an inability to communicate and cooperate on matters concerning the child"]).”"-SE

Some info on Trauma Betrayal (I have not read through all of them in their entirety)-

Attachment style as a mediator between childhood maltreatment and the experience of betrayal trauma as an adult 

As with everything under resources, take the time to see what is the best fit for you and your family.  This information has not been vetted by KKC Cares, Inc.  This information has been shared by parents as a tool they have come across and/or found helpful.  Please share anything that you have found so we can add it to our page as a resource for other parents.  Thank you!  

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